After working with tags for a while, your workflow will likely change. At this point, you will need to rename or delete tags. Here are some options for managing existing tags.

Sort Tasks With Tags

For additional flexibility, you can sort tasks with tags by due date, creation date, and more.

  1. Click on the tag or tags you would like to sort
  2. Go to View > Sort By to see your sort options

Remove a Tag

To remove a tag from a task, tap the tag on a task to select it, and then tap the delete key on your keyboard. You can also tap on a task to edit it, and tap (or click) the “i” button next to a task, then navigate to “Tags” to deselect them.

If you want to remove a tag from multiple tasks, follow the steps for adding a tag to multiple tasks and tap or click on tags to deselect them.

Rename a Tag

You can right-click on a tag to find the option to rename it.

Delete a Tag

If you’ve been experimenting with tags and need to delete some, you can right-click on a tag to get the option to delete it.

If the tag you are about to delete is currently attached to one or more tasks, you will be greeted with a pop-up warning that tells you how many existing tasks have that tag.

If you continue and tap “Delete,” the tag will be deleted. However, the tasks with that tag will remain in the lists where they currently reside.